German Books
About Lammla
Engelke up de Muer
The name of the band's poem says it all: "Engelke up de Muer" is the name of the emblem of the city of Emden, which lies in East Frisland. The author of this volume, Uwe Lammla, has a few years ago, his great love in East Frisland know, therefore, the hommage of the poet in a landscape, one of the most original in Germany, and also a tribute to his idiosyncratic residents who work outside like East Frisland at times simultaneously loving and ironic way, als something backward and grumpy be laughed at.
Uwe Lammla, 1961 in Neustadt an der Orla in the former GDR was born, leaving 1984 political and scial reasons, a country in which coercive regime for a committed individualist was no room. The first steps poetic date from hin time in the GDR, in which he also deals with one of his poetc models, the poet Rolf Schilling, was in friendly connection. How is Schilling Lammla content and style, especially the reprensentatives of the "conservative revolution" committed, especially Gottfried Benn, Stefan George and Ernst Jünger. Will be felt all these influences in "Engelke up de Muer": The language of this poem ist lifted, challenging, euphonious, rhythmic and rhyming, sometimes even a little ironic and houmorous wink, but never the author slips into a plate everyday language or even a Drain from jargon. In these poems portrays Lammla with wax glance the East Frisian landscape, its flora and fauna, and of course its inhabitants, their traditions and their adhesions in the German history and also in the Nordic myths and legends world. The mythical basis of an original home feeling that every man feels, in a very specific landscape and tradition grew, an its formative years it has spent, lit in all Lammla's through poems, a platitudinous recovery-rationalism or any "ubi bene, ibi patria" Lammla does not accept, in these poems is the man with his own deformed, lives and works in it as in an organic enclosure, a custom gown in which he is gone the years. Lammla wandt the example East Frisland's the eyes of the reader to open hin sown home, he demonstrate that he is a part of a whole that it protects, holds and nourishes asnd the founds sense, without which man can not live without: Thies ist not a truly low target for a small volume of poetry, and you can after reading the poems sefely say that this Lammla with heart, mind and linguistic ability does. Whoever this band in the hand and take these poems reads, he will – if he ever an institution for the struggling theme – with profit and pleasure to do so.
Dr. Klaus Gauger